KEMRI FACES building

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

rotation goals

[last updated 2007 Aug 9 by sophy]

Duration: 4-6 weeks

Rotation Goals

Learning objectives:

· Participate in a comprehensive model for the provision of HIV care in a resource-limited setting

· Understand the WHO HIV Clinical Staging system and the Kenyan guidelines for antiretroviral drug therapy

· Learn about the epidemiology of the HIV epidemic in Kenya

· Introduction to theory and practice of VCT, couples counseling, HIV peer education and adherence education

· Introduction to PMTCT (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission) and pediatric HIV

· Participate in inpatient hospital rounds to understand the scope and limitations of inpatient hospital care in Kenya, and to assist in providing continuity of care for FACES patients who are hospitalized

· Participate in home visits and learn basics of Luo culture (family structure, marriage practices, inheritance issues) and their impact on the epidemiology of HIV

Teaching objectives:

· Bedside mentoring of clinical officers with focus on history taking, rational approach to the physical exam and generation of differential diagnosis and treatment plan

· Physical exam teaching; make it a point to pull in other nurses and COs to participate in a good exam

· Present one journal article relevant to HIV care in Kenya and review basic approach to reading the literature

· Present a CME lecture OR lead a post-clinic or noon-conference case discussion based on a patient seen with a clinical officer

· Develop 1-2 sections for the Clincians’ Pocket Guide to Medicine

· Complete a case report to be published on HIV InSite in collaboration with one of the FACES clinicians

Most importantly, have a great time!! It is an unforgettable experience.

Rotation “To-Do” List:

o sit in on at least one HIV education session

o sit in on at least one adherence session

o participate in in-patient hospital rounds

o participate in a home visit

o CME session (all-FACES/CDC staff lecture or case-based noon conference discussion with providers)

o Journal Club with relevant article

o Develop 1-2 sections for the Clincians’ Pocket Guide to Medicine, add to Google document

o Update the rotation schedule (this document), CME list, Journal Club list Google document

o Update the rotation blog!

o Upload your articles, PowerPoint

If you have a good case that you want to write up with a FACES CO or MO:

o HIV InSite case report write-up

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