Duration: 4-6 weeks
Rotation Goals
Learning objectives:
· Participate in a comprehensive model for the provision of HIV care in a resource-limited setting
· Understand the WHO HIV Clinical Staging system and the Kenyan guidelines for antiretroviral drug therapy
· Learn about the epidemiology of the HIV epidemic in
· Introduction to theory and practice of VCT, couples counseling, HIV peer education and adherence education
· Introduction to PMTCT (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission) and pediatric HIV
· Participate in inpatient hospital rounds to understand the scope and limitations of inpatient hospital care in
· Participate in home visits and learn basics of Luo culture (family structure, marriage practices, inheritance issues) and their impact on the epidemiology of HIV
Teaching objectives:
· Bedside mentoring of clinical officers with focus on history taking, rational approach to the physical exam and generation of differential diagnosis and treatment plan
· Physical exam teaching; make it a point to pull in other nurses and
· Present one journal article relevant to HIV care in
· Present a CME lecture OR lead a post-clinic or noon-conference case discussion based on a patient seen with a clinical officer
· Develop 1-2 sections for the Clincians’ Pocket Guide to Medicine
· Complete a case report to be published on HIV InSite in collaboration with one of the FACES clinicians
Most importantly, have a great time!! It is an unforgettable experience.
Rotation “To-Do” List:
o sit in on at least one HIV education session
o sit in on at least one adherence session
o participate in in-patient hospital rounds
o participate in a home visit
o CME session (all-FACES/CDC staff lecture or case-based
o Journal Club with relevant article
o Develop 1-2 sections for the Clincians’ Pocket Guide to Medicine, add to Google document
o Update the rotation schedule (this document), CME list, Journal Club list Google document
o Update the rotation blog!
o Upload your articles, PowerPoint
If you have a good case that you want to write up with a FACES CO or MO:
o HIV InSite case report write-up
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