[last updated 2007 Aug 9 by sophy]
Suggested Weekly Schedule
· Understand the major responsibilities of each department
· Begin shadowing, seeing patients and mentoring Clinical Officers
Day 1 (plan to spend about 1-2 hours with each station in #3-9 below)
1. Orientation with Vero, Patie or MO/CO mentor: You should receive an orientation manual, a FACES formulary, a set of patient information forms, a list of drugs available at FACES, a copy of the National Guidelines.
2. Walk through clinic with receptionist
1. Vitals bench
2. Community Health Workers
3. Nurses’ bench
4. Laboratory
5. Pharmacy
6. Clinical exam rooms
7. Washrooms
8. Food places
3. Reception: Introduction to scheduling, types of patient appointments and relevant clinical forms
4. HIV Education session with Peer Educator/CHW
5. Triage nurse: WHO staging and initial triage, enrollment
6. Adherence Counseling: try to sit in on at least one of each; they happen in the mornings
7. Community Health Workers bench: Approach to triage, food by prescription
8. Nurses’ bench : Observe triage, follow-up, stable patient, & counseling visits
9. Sit in on patient visits with CO and MOs. Ask the CO-in-charge whom to sit with.
Days 2-5:
· Sit with clinical officers and begin to provide clinical mentorship. Focus on detailed history taking, rational physical examination, differential diagnosis, assessment and plan.
· Review the Kenyan guidelines for anti-retroviral therapy including first-line and second line therapies, indications for changing regimens, algorithms for lab monitoring
· Become comfortable with clinic logistics: how to order tests, prescription forms, FACES formulary, how to complete a clinic visit form, how to coordinate follow-up for urgent cases and labs/imaging
· Schedule your CME and Journal Club sessions with the CO in charge of CME scheduling.
Weeks 2-4 or 2-6
1. Continue clinical mentoring, physical exam teaching; also see patients independently if interested
2. Choose and prepare journal article
3. Develop CME (ask CME coordinator for topics that have been requested)
4. Write 1-2 sections for the Clincians’ Pocket Guide to Medicine (these can be the same as your CME topic)
5. Update rotation schedule, CME/Journal Club lists, and blog for fellow residents!
6. If you have a good case: choose and prepare case presentation or case report with a FACES clinician
Other Clinical Opportunities in Kisumu:
1. Prison visits with clinical officer third Thursday of every month
2. Attend VCT outreach session with youth teams from Tuungane
3. Visit FHOK Meshack clinc - outreach to commercial sex workers